Scales School
The school is located in Old Tafo Mile 3 in Ghana.
Teacher Student ratio: 1:30
Grade Level: Nursery & KG(2yrs-5yrs)
Lower Primary(6yrs-8yrs)
Upper Primary (9yrs-11yrs)
A conversation with Scales Prep School’s principal was the impetus of Sankofa Education House’s founding. Nana Boakye, while on a trip back to the school he attended as a child, learned the school could not provide its students with basic school supplies. Nana returned home determined to help the students and began by sourcing supplies from educators he worked with and other individuals in his community. After a couple months of this campaign, Nana was able to present Scales Prep School with supplies, workbooks, textbooks, and custom cupboards to store all the items. The contribution was well received but Nana could not help but wonder what other hurdles stood in the way of these children and their education. Feeling empowered by the generosity of his community, Nana founded Sankofa Education House and began looking for other projects that would address some of the hurdles that prevented students from getting their education.
A single cupboard where the children keep workbooks, textbooks and school supplies. It sits almost empty.
Before: New Cabinets
Three new cabinets for each class filled with basic supplies including workbooks, activities, pencils, etc. for all subjects for all students.